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The Supplement

The secret to wellbeing

Are you always looking for that silver bullet that will transform your life with little to no effort? For it not to involve any hardship, sacrifice or involve building new...

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6 Best Natural Remedies for Acne

Pai is a leading formulator of certified organic skincare, believing that skin - no matter how sensitive - deserves the best ingredients. In this article, the sensitive skin experts share...

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Easy vegan hemp brownie recipe

Ask anybody you know if they love brownies and they are bound to respond with a definite ‘yes’!  We’ve created a delicious, easy-to-follow recipe that uses 100% plant-based products so...

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Where do cravings come from?

You may have heard that certain nutritional deficiencies can trigger specific cravings, for example, craving chocolate = lack of magnesium. There may be some truth in this however there is...

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Does Vitamin D Help Muscle Recovery?

Lifting weights shouldn’t be thought of as something reserved for the stereotypical protein shake guzzling, meathead-types that people associate with the words ‘muscle’ or ‘bodybuilding’. Muscle building needs to be...

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