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Life & Soul Liquid
How long will a bottle last?
It really depends on how much you take. There’s 150ml in each bottle of Life & Soul. Here’s the maths:
1 teaspoon or 5ml a day = 30 days
Half a teaspoon or 2.5ml a day = 60 days
A drop or 1ml a day = 150 days
How much omega-3, EPA and DHA will I get in each dose?
A teaspoon or 5ml gives you 3500mg of omega-3 (2000mg EPA & 1000mg DHA).
Why doesn't it come with a spoon?
We looked into this and decided it would create too much plastic waste. Most people prefer to use their own spoons – either medicine spoons or standard household ones. If we have lots of requests for this, we’ll think again. We do include a handy plug which each bottle to help avoid any spillage when pouring.
I've just found out I'm pregnant - is it safe to finish my bottle of Life & Soul or should I switch to Mums & Bumps?
All of the fish oils in our range are safe to take when you’re pregnant. So by all means, finish off your bottle and then you can switch over to Mums & Bumps or stick with Life & Soul.
As omega-3s have natural blood thinning properties, we'd suggest half a dose, or 2.5ml during pregnancy.
Can my children take Life & Soul?
Yes, they can – 1ml from when they’re a year old. But because of its higher EPA to DHA ratio, Life & Soul is best for children over 12 and adults.Action Heroes contains more DHA and is especially beneficial for growing children.
Why is Life & Soul Liquid so expensive?
We understand that every penny really counts right now, which is why it's so important to get value for money.
To put your mind at ease, the price of our omega-3s reflects the high quality, strength and purity of the oils. Our oils are in their natural triglyceride form, which is a more expensive form of fish oil but with far superior bioavailability. Many fish oils are oxidised and it’s one of the main reasons our founder started Bare Biology. We publish all our test results, including independent results from IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards), where you can see our oxidation levels are extremely low and well under the limits set by international bodies. You can find these results in all our product pages, or the About Our Fish Oils section in these FAQs.
On a cost per gram of omega-3 per dose, our products are better value for money than seemingly lower priced options. One teaspoon of Life & Soul Liquid has more omega-3 than 28 high-street brand capsules. So if you're concerned about the monthly cost, you could always take less Life & Soul per day so it lasts longer. Taking half a teaspoon makes the price of a bottle £24.98 per month, and a quarter would make it £12.49. Even a quarter teaspoon would give you over a tin of sardines worth of omega-3s per day!
We're very happy to advise anytime, so please get in touch with if you'd like help with your supplement routine.
What does clinical strength mean?
Most of the omega-3 benefits you’ll read about have come out of clinical or medical trials. The doses they use are normally much, much higher than typical fish oil supplements – similar to a dose of Life & Soul. Here’s an example: the approved health claim for normal blood pressure is 3000mg of EPA & DHA each day. Life & Soul Liquid is the only product on the market that gives you this in a single spoonful.
I can't decide which to choose, Life & Soul Liquid or Life & Soul Capsules. Which is better?
For optimum absorption, quicker results and higher concentration of EPA & DHA, Life & Soul Liquid would be your best choice. If you’re oil shy or like to travel with your omega-3 – whether across the world, at the office or in your gym bag - than we’d recommend our capsules.
We use exactly the same oil for both, so the quality is exactly the same. You just get more on a teaspoon than in a capsule. Our capsules are high strength though, so both are great!
Can my children take Life & soul?
Yes, they can – 1ml of Life & Soul Liquid from when they’re a year old. But because of its higher EPA to DHA ratio, Life & Soul is best for children over 12 and adults.
Action Heroes contains more DHA and is especially beneficial for growing children.
Life & Soul capsules aren't chewable, so they're only suitable for children who're ok to swallow them. We recommend Mini Capsules, under supervision, and starting with 2 capsules a day (430mg EPA & 220mg DHA).
Can I take Life & Soul if I'm pregnant or should I switch to Mums & Bumps?
All of the fish oils in our range are safe to take when you’re pregnant. So by all means, finish off your Life & Soul and then you can switch over to Mums & Bumps.
Or, you continue with Life & Soul if you prefer the formula. If you're taking a full dose of the liquid, just drop to half a teaspoon (2.5ml).
We advise letting your pregnancy specialist know of any supplements you're taking during this time.
Life & Soul Mini Capsules
How many do I get?
There are 120 capsules. So, if you take four a day, your bottle or pouch will last for 30 days.
How much omega-3, EPA and DHA will I be getting in 4 capsules?
Four tiny capsules contain 1460mg of omega-3, of which 860mg is EPA and 440mg is DHA, the two most important types of omega-3. These super easy to swallow capsules are great for the whole family’s wellbeing.
Do I have to take them 4 times a day?
You can if you like, but we’ve made them so that they’re easy to swallow. So you could take two in the morning and two in the evening, or most people take four in one go.
My child doesn't like taking the liquid - can they take Mini capsules?
Mini capsules are fine for kids below the age of 12 to take, provided they're ok to swallow capsules. We advise supervision and a smaller dose than adults. Of course, all children differ in size and weight but you could start with 2 capsules a day (430mg EPA & 220mg DHA) and see how they get on.
Action Heroes Liquid delivers a much higher dosage of DHA which would be beneficial for growing children. Each 1ml drop offers 693mg of omega-3 (475mg DHA & 133mg EPA).
If they're a little oil shy, you could try disguising the liquid in some cold food.
How big are the capsules?
Here's a reference:

What's the difference between Mini and Daily Capsules?
Both provide 1460mg, the difference is the size of the capsules. If you prefer smaller, easy to swallow capsules then our Mini Capsules are best. If you don't have a problem swallowing larger ones, and want to take fewer each day, our Daily Capsules are for you!
Life & Soul Daily Capsules
How many do I get?
There are 60 capsules in every bottle. So, if you take two a day, your bottle will last for 30 days.
How much omega-3, EPA and DHA will I be getting?
Two capsules contain 1460mg of omega-3, of which 860mg is EPA & 440mg is DHA. They're the two most important types of omega-3.
The soft gelatin shell make them super easy to swallow, but if you do struggle with standard sized capsules, we have an even easier Mini Capsules option - they're great for older kids too!
How big are the capsules?
Here's a reference:

Action Heroes
How long will a bottle last?
Three months, if you use 1ml a day. There’s 100ml in each bottle.
How much omega-3, DHA and EPA is in each drop?
Each 1ml drop contains 700mg of omega-3 (that includes 500mg DHA & 100mg EPA). This is as much as a whole tin of sardines (with bones!).
How do I measure out 1ml?
Each bottle of Action Heroes comes with a handy syringe that you plug into the bottle top. Just draw out 1ml and squirt it straight into your child's mouth or into food.
How do I keep the syringes clean?
Wash them in hot, soapy water with the washing up. Swish soapy water in and out of them a few times to get rid of any residue, or they could smell a little fishy after a while.
Do I have to use the syringe?
No, you can just pour a tiny amount on to a spoon. It's not a medicine so it doesn't have to be exact.
What age is Action Heroes good for?
We’ve created Action Heroes for kids from 6 months to 12 years old. Teenagers and adults over 12 can take it too (the DHA is especially good pregnant women!), but teenagers would benefit from more EPA and could switch to Life & Soul.
Why is DHA omega-3 so crucial for kids?
Put simply, it helps children’s brains and bodies develop.
DHA omega-3 is a major component of our brain, eye tissue and skin. So much so that during pregnancy the body feeds the mother’s DHA to the baby, and breast milk has elevated levels. In fact, the amount of DHA in the brain increases by 30 times between the first 24 weeks and two years of life*.
But most children don’t get enough DHA in their food. And this matters.
Studies show a direct link between low levels of DHA and poor learning and behaviour. The 2012 Dolab** study found that DHA is ‘a safe and effective way to improve the reading and behaviour in healthy, but underperforming children in mainstream schools’. And an earlier study by the same researchers in Durham also found that increasing omega-3 in the diets of children between 5 and 12 significantly improved their reading, spelling and behaviour over three months.
*Neonatal network, 2007, 26:229-234
**The Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) Oxford Learning and Behavior Study, 2012
Why do you recommend 500mg DHA for children?
The DHA Oxford Learning and Behaviour Study (DOLAB) is one of the most significant on the effects of DHA on children’s learning and behaviour. Our founder, Melanie, met one of the lead investigators, Dr Alex Richardson, and was struck by the view that omega-3 supplementation and dosage recommendations are too low. In this particular study, 4 to 7 year olds were given 600mg DHA per day (in the form of algal oil).
Many factors, including diet, can impede children’s ability to synthesise omega-3 fatty acids and the recommended doses aren’t likely to have any significant impact on their health. (Reference Superko RJ, et al. Circulation, 2013. 128: p. 2154-2161).
DHA plays a super critical role in the structure and function of the brain and eyes. Most young and older children don’t have enough in their diet, making supplementation a key component of their nutrition. Doses as high as 5,000mg are well-tolerated by children and adults (EFSA Journal, 2012. 10 (7):2815).
From our own personal experience and from the countless reviews we’ve received from customers, the health benefits from taking between half and 1ml of Action Heroes a day are incredible and support our view that it is not only safe but very beneficial for children who don’t get DHA from their diet. The great thing about liquid form is the dosage can be varied and we always recommend parents consult a registered nutritional therapist for guidance.
Mums & Bumps Capsules
How many do I get?
One month supply. There are 30 capsules in every bottle, and we recommend taking one a day. The capsules are small (just 800mg) and easy to swallow.
How much omega-3 will I be getting?
Each capsule has 650mg omega-3, including 560mg DHA. That’s more than a whole tin of sardines, and much easier to swallow.
Why are Mums & Bumps mostly DHA rather than EPA?
DHA omega-3 is a major component of our brain, eye tissue and skin. So much so that during pregnancy the body feeds the mother’s DHA to the baby, and breast milk has elevated levels. In fact, the amount of DHA in the brain increases by 30 times between the first 24 weeks and two years of life. It's therefore the most important omega-3 during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
I've heard pregnant women shouldn't take cod liver oil – can they take fish oil?
Yes. Our fish oils don't contain vitamin A, which is the reason pregnant women shouldn't take cod liver oil.
We also make sure our products are very pure and extremely safe – good for bodies at any stage of life. We have every batch independently certified by IFOS which is a guarantee our products are free from heavy metals or other nasties. You can see these results for yourself in all our product page under FOR THE DEEP DIVERS.
Can I take these before and after pregnancy?
Yes, absolutely. It's really important to build up your reserves of DHA before getting pregnant and to replace the DHA in breast milk.
Mums & Bumps is also brilliant for anyone who wants to take high DHA without the EPA.
How big are your Mums & Bumps capsules?
Here's a reference:

Mindful Capsules
How many do I get?
There are 30 capsules in every bottle. So, if you take one a day, your bottle will last 30 days.
How much omega-3 will I be getting?
Each capsule has 650mg omega-3s, including 560mg DHA. That's more than a whole tin of sardines, and much easier to swallow.
Why is Mindful mostly DHA and not EPA?
Omega-3 is made up of EPA and DHA. Both have their uses in the brain but it's the DHA component that's considered most important when it comes to our mental health. DHA is a major structural fat found in all the tissues of the body but it's particularly concentrated in the brain.
I usually take Life & Soul, should I switch to Mindful?
Life & Soul Liquid contains almost double the DHA of Mindful in one teaspoon and a large amount of EPA. It's our most ‘therapeutic’ product, but not everyone likes a liquid or wants to spend the extra money for the EPA and the higher dose. If you prefer capsules, Mindful is a really easy and affordable way to get a tin of sardines worth of DHA (essential for brain health) in one daily capsule. Life & Soul capsules are a good option if you need a smaller, combination dose of EPA and DHA.
How big are the capsules?
Here's a guide:

Vim & Vigour Vegan Omega-3 Capsules
Why did you launch a plant based omega-3?
Our bodies can’t make omega-3 so it’s essential we get it through our diet. The richest source of omega-3 is oily fish but if you follow a plant-based diet or have a fish allergy, this isn't an option. Many Nutritional Therapists we work with have vegan clients and have emailed us over the years asking if we would consider creating a plant-based option. After a year of hard work we can finally offer what we think is the best plant-based product you’ll find.
What type of algae do you use?
The omega-3s in this product are sourced from Schizochytrium sp. and the astaxanthin is sourced from Haematococcus pluvialis.
Is algae safe?
Yes, and the two types of algae in this product (Schizochytrium sp. and Haematococcus pluvialis) have been approved by the EFSA for supplemental use in over 18s.
Is Vim & Vigour safe for children?
Vim & Vigour capsules are not suitable for young children under 10yrs, due to limited trials of astaxanthin in these groups.
Is Vim & Vigour safe to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
No, we don't recommend it for pregnancy or breastfeeding due to the astaxanthin. There haven't been enough safety studies at this point, so safer to avoid for now.
What is the capsule coating made from?
Modified corn starch, carrageenan (red seaweed), Glycerol BP MB, Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous
Why are the capsules red?
The capsules are dark red in colour due to the Astaxanthin - a pink/red carotenoid pigment extracted from the alga Haematococcus pluvialis.
What is astaxanthin?
It is a powerful antioxidant and type of carotenoid.
What are the benefits of Astaxanthin?
- May improve gastric health
- May improve symptoms of age-related forgetfulness
- May help refocus tired eyes
- Can enhance overall skin health by improving skin moisture, elasticity and reducing wrinkles
- Improves muscle performance and recovery
- Can contribute to improved cardiovascular health
- Possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties
- These claims are backed up by studies using relatively few subjects and have no associated approved health claims, so they can not be used on the packaging
How many calories in one dose?
23 calories per 2 daily capsules.
Does this product contain iodine?
No, it doesn't contain iodine.
How big are the capsules?
Here's a guide:

Rise & Shine Omega-3 + Vitamin D3
Why is it good to have omega-3 and Vitamin D3 together?
Fish oils and Vitamin D are naturally meant to be together, they’re perfect partners that nutritionally complement each other. As a food, oily fish provide us with a rich source of Vitamin D, yet during the gentle and careful extraction of omega-3 oils for nutritional supplements, the Vitamin D gets left behind. Rise & Shine is simply our way of reuniting these potent and powerful nutrients that play a pivotal role in our health, across all developmental stages and phases of life.
What type of Vitamin D3 do you use?
We use Vitamin D3V®, which is Cholecalciferol of 100% plant origin, produced from algae.
Conventional Vitamin D3 is obtained from animal-origins including lanolin (sheep woolgrease) or animal skins. Vitamin D3V® is chemically identical to animal-origin Vitamin D3. As well as being natural rather than animal-origin, it also overcomes concerns about quality and purity. Our process ensures zero residual pesticides or other contaminants.
Vitamin D3V® offers a 100% sustainable and traceable end-to-end supply chain process with complete control on quality and purity. Unlike Sheep’s Wool, our process uses zero pesticides and therefore the chance of residual pesticides is non-existent in Vitamin D3V®.
Is Rise & Shine suitable for pescatarians?
Yes, Rise & Shine is suitable for pescatarians.
Our Vitamin D source is Vitamin D3V®, which is Cholecalciferol of 100% plant origin, produced from algae.
How much do I need to take?
2 daily Rise & Shine capsules provides a plentiful dose of Vitamin D3 and omega-3: 755mg of EPA, 377mg of DHA and 25ug (micrograms) of Vitamin D3 or 1,000iu, the most widely recommended daily dose.
Suitable for adults (including pregnant women) and children over 12.
How much Vitamin D3 is in one dose?
25 micrograms (1,000 iu) of Vitamin D3. The NRV (Nutrient Reference Value) of 10 mcg or 400 IU a day is recommended for healthy individuals.
How long does it take to feel the benefits?
The omega-3 fats and Vitamin D3 are absorbed into the bloodstream shortly after you take them so your body benefits from these potent nutrients from the very first day. However, if you have a diagnosed health condition, are living with suboptimal health or have a high level of stress, poor sleep, high alcohol intake and poor diet - then it could take a while before you 'feel' the benefits.
When taking a new nutrition supplement it's good to reassess how you feel after 1-3 months.
What is the carrier oil?
The carrier oil for the Vitamin D3 raw material is MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil.
Is the omega-3 oil the same as Life & Soul?
The fish oil in Rise & Shine is the same as the iconic Life & Soul omega-3 with the added benefit of Vitamin D3. Rise & Shine contains slightly less EPA and DHA per dose compared to our Life & Soul range to make room for the Vitamin D3.
Why is Rise & Shine more expensive than Life & Soul?
Life & Soul capsules cost £31.95. For this you get:
- 860mg EPA
- 440mg DHA
With Rise & Shine you get:
- 755mg EPA
- 377mg DHA
- 25 Micrograms (1,000iu) Vitamin D3
Roughly speaking, you get around 13% less EPA and DHA in R&S but you get Vitamin D3.
If you were to take 13% off the price of Life & Soul, this would make the price around £27.75 just for the omega-3.
At £32.95, it's costing £5.2 a month for the Vitamin D3 which is 17p a day. (£27.75 + £5.20 = £32.95). In comparison, Wild Nutrition Vit D costs 50p a day.
So to get only 13% less omega-3 than Life & Soul but the recommended daily dose of Vitamin D3 for only £1 more, it's very good value.
Can I take Life & Soul and Rise & Shine together?
You could, but it wouldn't be necessary and would cost you more money. You'd be better off buying Rise & Shine if you want a maintenance dose of omega-3 and Vitamin D. If you want more Vitamin D, you should buy Life and Soul and a separate Vitamin D.
What are the ingredients in Rise & Shine?
Pure fish oil (sardine, anchovy, mackerel), carrier oil (medium chain triglycerides), Vitamin D3V® (cholecalciferol of 100% plant origin, produced from algae), antioxidant (mixed tocopherols). Coating: fish gelatin, glycerol British Pharmacopoeia.
Why doesn't Rise & Shine contain K2?
Rise & Shine doesn't contain any K2, as the dose of D3 they provide is a maintenance dose and not considered high enough to be crucial to need the two together.
The combination of vitamin D + K2, ensures that all the calcium vitamin D transports, ends up in the bones rather than potentially depositing in the arteries (sometimes the kidneys but this is less common).
You’re not going to be hugely increasing calcium transport with our 400 IU. Plus, dietary calcium is not usually seen to cause deposits unless someone is hugely inflamed, or taking poor quality calcium supplements.
Generally, when supplementing with D3, you won't need to consider adding K2 alongside until taking doses of around 3000-5000IU. Although we are all different, so if you're suffering from any health concerns it's best to consult a Nutritional Therapist or your GP.
You can absolutely take a separate K2 alongside Rise & Shine if you'd rather for peace of mind. Or, try our Life & Soul Capsules (our hero omega-3s), with Beam & Balance (our vitamin D + K2 spray) alongside.
How big are the capsules?
See photo for reference:

About our oil
What is the shelf life?
The shelf life of our capsules, unopened, is 2 years from the date they were made. The shelf life of our liquids, unopened, is 2 years from the date they were made. For the expiry date for current batches, please see the Ingredients tab for each product.
How long will it keep once I've opened it?
Our liquids can taste good up to 4 months, depending on how well the lid has been sealed after opening. Our capsules are fine until the expiry date.
Do your oils need to be refrigerated?
Once opened Life & Soul Liquid and Action Heroes need to be refrigerated with the lid tightly screwed on. We advise you treat our oils like fresh food; we’ve kept our oils as pure as possible and have chosen not to laden them with preservatives so that you get more fish oil with every bottle.
Our capsules keep well in ambient or cool storage.
How can I be sure your oils are completely free from heavy metals and toxins?
We're the only company we know of that publishes full test results (certificates of analysis) for every single batch. We're also the only UK company certified by the International Fish Oil Standards program, an independent laboratory that tests every single batch of our oils. We have absolutely nothing to hide – we’re pure, and proud of it. You can find our independent test results on the shop pages.
We also get our batches tested a second time by IFOS (The International Fish Oil Standards Programme). Here are the reports for our current batches:
Doe your oil smell or taste fishy and do the capsules repeat on you?
Absolutely not. Lemon is the only thing you’ll smell or taste in our liquid oils. This is because they’re such good quality. Essentially, fish oils turn rancid when they come into contact with oxygen – which is why fish straight out of the sea don’t smell. Ours are super fresh, with much lower levels of oxidation than other brands.
Very fishy smelling or tasting oil is usually a sign that it’s turned rancid. As long as you keep your bottle closed and in the fridge, you’ll never experience this with our fish oils.
Is your fish oil the same as cod liver oil?
No – cod liver oil really does come from the livers of cod. As this is where toxins and contaminants are processed, this kind of oil is more likely to contain heavy metals, dioxins and PCBs.
Our oil comes from sardines, anchovies and mackerel. These have very high levels of omega-3, but are small and have short life spans – so they have little time to build up pollutants.
Also, our oil tastes amazing, whereas cod liver oil is a bit of an acquired taste.
What fish does your oil come from?
We only use wild sardine, anchovy and mackerel from deep waters.
Why do you use small fish?
We use small fish like sardine, mackerel and anchovy. This is because small fish are at the bottom of the food chain and therefore contain fewer heavy metals and other pollutants such as PCBs. The higher up the food chain you are, the more toxic build up you get. This means that larger fish like pollock, salmon and tuna are likely to carry more heavy metals and chemicals.
Are the fish sustainably caught?
Yes – we make sure of it. Our fish are caught within the strictest international guidelines. And we only work with Norwegian fisheries and manufacturers certified by both Friends of the Sea and IFFO-RS, the global responsible supply standard.
How soon after the fish are caught do you extract the oil?
As quickly as we can - always within 24 hours, in line with the EU regulation EC 852/2004. All the fishery plants we use are in Norway and registered and approved by the EU to produce fish for human consumption.
How is the oil extracted?
Our oils are extracted using molecular distillation. The oil in our pregnancy product, Mums & Bumps, uses this same process, but we add a further step using a natural enzyme to get to the highest DHA levels. This is a green chemistry process so it is very mild on the oil.
Do you use hexane or any other chemicals in the extraction process?
No, no toxic chemicals or solvents are used in any stage of the manufacturing process.
How do you purify your fish oil?
Very carefully. It goes through a variety of processes, including molecular distillation at a low temperature and filtration to remove saturated fats and other solids. This is all done by our expert manufacturer in Norway.
Is the oil cold pressed?
Our oils are not cold pressed. However, we do not use flash distillation either, which exposes the oil to high heat. During molecular distillation, the oil is exposed to heat but with a very low residence time and under extreme vacuum. We use a special deodorization process called think film; which means a gentler and very short time exposure. This is a far superior process to batch deodorization, which subjects all the oil to heat for a longer period.
We guarantee the low residence heat does not damage our oils by testing every batch for trans fatty acids throughout the entire production process. There are no trans fatty acids detected in any of our products.
What is the oxidation level in the oil?
Due to the nature of our products this may vary from batch to batch. However, we are one of the very few fish oil companies that are accredited 5 stars for purity and freshness from the International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS). Among many other criteria, they test oxidation levels with every single batch we manufacture before sale. As far as we are aware, we're the only fish oil company that publishes every test in full on our website.In short, our oxidation levels are well within the range of the approved level for safety. You can find the most up to date analyses, including the current oxidation levels on each of our product pages on our online shop.
You can also take a look at the IFOS website to see their independent tests on each batch we produce.
Is the oil in its natural form or is it concentrated?
All our oils are in their natural triglyceride form for optimal absorption. We pride ourselves in creating products that are natural and as close to food as possible. For example, we only use Sicilian lemon oil to flavour, as opposed to the commonly used artificial flavours. We also use a small amount of Vitamin E as a natural preservative.
What is your Sicilian lemon oil made from?
It is an essential oil expressed from the peel of lemons.
Can I take more than the recommended dosage on the packaging?
If you want to take a higher dose to address a particular health concern we recommend seeking guidance from a registered healthcare practitioner first.
Where are your fish oils and capsules made?
Our fish oil is made in Norway, we then bring it to the UK where it is bottled or made into capsules and packed into containers.
When is the best time to take fish oil?
Meal times, preferably at dinner. This helps your body absorb and digest it, and makes it easier to get into the habit of taking it at the same time every day.
Where should I keep my fish oil?
Our fish oils have a long shelf life, so you don’t need to store them in special conditions until they’re opened. Once you’ve opened our liquids – Life & Soul liquid and Action Heroes – please keep them closed and in the fridge. Just like you would something fresh such as juice.
You can keep our capsules wherever’s handy – in a cupboard or drawer, on the countertop, or in your bag – as long as it’s not excessively hot or cold.
How do I measure out a dose of liquid?
If you have any medicine spoons or teaspoons around the house, these are usually 5ml. Most medicine spoons also have 2.5ml markings. You can also use baking and cooking measuring spoons.
Action Heroes comes with its own handy syringe. But if you want to measure out 1ml of this with a regular teaspoon just pour a tiny amount – literally a drop.
I've heard that fish oils can repeat on you and cause reflux
It's a common misconception that it's normal for fish oils to repeat on you. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Fresh fish oil, like Bare Biology's oils, shouldn't cause any reflux. Usually fishy burps are a sure sign the oil has gone off. Rancid fish oil is pro inflammatory and has been shown to be carcinogenic.
Is it essential to take with food?
It's not essential but, as with most supplements, our omega-3s are best taken with food because it helps apsorption. If taken at mealtimes, there are more contents in the stomach and intestines, so the capsules can be broken down much more effectively. As a side benefit, it may also increase absorption and utilisation of fat soluble vitamins and minerals in your meals.
The aim with establishing good nutrition is consistency. If you find it difficult taking your oil at meal times and it's easier not to, then by all means you can take the product on an empty stomach.
Where is your oil extracted and where is it tested?
The oil is extracted on the fishing boats, wherever they are. The oil is sent to Norway where it is purified. It is then tested in Norway by our manufacturer (we publish those results on our website for each batch) and is also tested by IFOS in Canada.
The oil is shipped in sealed drums (we check the seals when they arrive here) so no additional oxidation occurs. But to be safe, when the oil arrives at our encapsulators, the oxidation level is tested again before encapsulation. Likewise, after it is bottled, we test the oil here in the UK for oxidation and bacteria/microbes/contamination before it is bottled and after and IFOS test the finished bottled/encapsulated product.
So the oil is tested after manufacture, before bottling or encapsulation, and after bottling and encapsulation by two separate parties. We don't take any chances on oxidation!
Do you use nitrogen flushing?
Nitrogen flushing is used during the liquid oil bottling and capsule filling, to help minimise its exposure to oxygen.
For our capsules, the fish oil is tested for various things, including freshness, and any drums opened are purged with nitrogen prior to resealing. The oil is encapsulated under nitrogen and the flow is checked and confirmed hourly during production.
What kind of nets are used by your fishing boats?
The fish are wild caught by 'purse seine' fishing fleets. Purse seine is a type of trawler net.
How do I know that your fish oil is environmentally friendly?
Our fish oil manufacturer is Friend of the Sea certified, which strictly regulates the fishery.
Friend of the Sea sustainable fishery criteria requires:
- non-onverexploited target stock according to FAO, Regional Fishery Bodies and National Marine Authorities
- no relevant impact on the seabed
- selective fishing method (max 8% discards)
- no bycaught species included in the IUCN Redlist of endangered species
- compliance with legal requirements (incl. TACs, no IUU, no FOC, mesh size, min size, MPA, etc)
- energy balance and yearly fuel efficiency improvement
- waste management
- social accountability
Does omega-3 decrease over time once a fish oil is open?
We have absolutely no indications that omega-3 decreases in an open container exposed to oxygen and light, based on our experiences, testing and studies. However oxidation will start and continue once it’s been exposed which will affect taste and smell over time in a fish oil. We do not see any correlation between oxidation and omega-3 content.
What is the maximum temperature your oil can be exposed to?
We do not recommend exposure to temperatures above 40C.
Why are the TG and FFA levels different?
The TG values are for the fatty acids as triglycerides (in nature they exist as triglycerides, so three fatty acids joined together along with a molecule of glycerol). It means that some of the weight can be attributed to glycerol, hydrogen and oxygen.
The free fatty acid (FFA) values are for the fatty acids themselves (alone, no glycerol).
That’s why the TG values always look higher on the spec than the FFA values.
Effectively, the TG amount and the FFA amount are measuring the same amount but one is showing the weight as triglyceride and one is showing it without the added molecule of glycerol.
Are your oils tested for glycidol?
The European Commission (EU 2023/915) has implemented the following limits for fish oils
and oils from other marine organisms:
Glycidyl fatty esters, expressed as glycidol: 1000 μg/kg
Sum of 3-MCPD fatty acid esters: 2500 μg/kg
All our products produced after 01.01.2020 conform to the above mentioned limits.
What are the other omega-3s in your fish oil?
The most important types of omega-3 for our health are EPA, DHA and to a lesser degree, DPA. We list these for obvious reasons. However, there are lots of kinds of omega-3 but each batch would need to be analysed in extreme detail to split them all out. This is very expensive and would mean the price of the fish oil would increase. We therefore don't do this analysis but, don't worry, they're all safe and for sure also have health benefits. Here's a table of the omega-3 types, courtesy of Wikipedia...

What ingredients are there besides fish oil?
Just a little vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that helps preserve the oil. Our liquids also contain a tiny amount of natural Sicilian lemon oil to help them taste good.
Are your capsules made from fish gelatin?
Yes. We only ever use fish gelatin, as we don't think it's right to put fish oil in pork or beef. And of course this is much better for people who don't eat meat.
Are your capsules tested for purity?
Yes, absolutely! Our capsules are pure inside and out. You can check out the test results for our capsule gelatin here.
Do your fish oils contain any artificial colours or sweeteners?
Absolutely not.
Why don't you add flavour to your capsules?
We simply don’t need to. Our oil is so fresh that it never repeats on you, so there’s no need to 'mask' any fishiness. And we want to fill up our capsules with as much pure fish oil as possible, not unnecessary flavourings.
Do your products contain DPA?
Yes, all omega-3 supplements provide DPA.
Here's the dose for each of our products:
Life & Soul Liquid: 200mg
Action Heroes Liquid : 65mg
Life & Soul Mini Capsules: 80mg
Life & Soul Daily Capsules: 80mg
Mums & Bumps Capsules: 60mg
Mindful Capsules: 60mg
Rise & Shine: 60mg
Vim & Vigour: 80mg*
*Vim & Vigour Capsules are vegan omega-3s made from algae.
Do your omega-3 products contain Vitamin D?
Only our Rise & Shine Capsules. They contain omega-3 + Vitamin D3.
Does your fish oil contain purines?
Our manufacturer doesn't perform regular testing for purines as part of their regime, but when they have tested for it in the past they haven't found any traces.
Does your fish oil contain iodine?
Our fish oils contain 0% iodine.
Allergies, medicine interactions and possible side effects
Allergen info & Statement
For a detailed summary of what's in our products, download our:
Full Allergen Statement
Can I take your fish oil if I have a shellfish allergy?
Absolutely. There’s no trace of shellfish in our fish oils.
What if I'm allergic to fish or citrus?
If that’s the case, unfortunately our products aren’t for you – sorry.
Where does the vitamin E (tocopherol) come from?
We use natural mixed tocopherols derived from non-GMO soybean oil, which has no allergy risks associated to it as there are no traces of soy left.
Are there any side effects?
None that we’re aware of. Some studies say that very high doses may upset your stomach, but this is quite rare, especially if you take it with food. Of course, you should always check with your doctor before taking if you're on any medication, such as blood thinners.
What can I do to help with the digestion if I struggle with fats?Frequently asked question
You could buy a soya lecithin supplement to take with it, or take it with food.
Can I take your products if I'm on medication?
It’s always best to check with your doctor if you have a serious condition or are on medication. One of the effects of omega-3 fish oil is to thin the blood, so if you’re about to have surgery or take blood thinning medication you shouldn’t take fish oil supplements.
Is it safe to take your fish oils if I regularly take aspirin?
Fish oils are contraindicated with all blood thinning drugs. Therefore, it is not recommended that anyone takes our products (and any other omega-3) while on them.
Similarly, there is a contraindication with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen. We would recommend to wait at least 4 hours after taking these drugs before taking fish oil. If you have been taking such drugs for long periods of time, you should consult your GP or a registered healthcare practitioner.
What ingredients are in the glycerol BP?
The glycerol comes from vegetable origin including: Palm oil, Palm Kernel Oil, coconut oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower seed oil.
The palm used is RSPO Mass Balance palm - this means it is from sustainable supply.
Omega-3 in general
Is krill oil a good source of omega-3?
There’s been a lot of press recently suggesting that krill oil is a better source of omega-3. We’ve done our homework on this (tons of reading and speaking to experts) – and we feel that there isn’t yet enough evidence or human trials using krill oil. We’re also very mindful of the ecological impact of increased fishing on the marine food chain. So, for now, we won’t be using krill oil.
Can I just eat some fish instead of taking a supplement?
It’s important to eat well a healthy, balanced diet even when taking supplements – and oily fish is of course a great source of omega-3.
But even with the best will in the world, it’s hard to eat enough oily fish to get the levels of omega-3 you need. And sadly, with fish comes risky levels of heavy metals and toxins. This is why it’s important for pregnant women and children to limit eating fish like tuna and to avoid things like swordfish and marlin altogether.
Our oil gives you all the benefits of eating fresh fish – great omega-3 content in its natural triglyceride form – with absolutely no heavy metals or toxins.
There's a good article about this in our magazine here.
Do EPA and DHA compete in the body for absorption?
EPA and DHA don't compete with one another for absorption. DHA is a byproduct of EPA and uses different enzymes in the metabolic pathway which means that they don't compete.
I'm confused about the difference between omega-3 and omega-6?
Both omega-3 and omega-6 are essential fatty acids. They're essential because they make up our cell membranes and are concentrated in certain tissues such as our brain, skin and eyes. Unlike other omegas, the body cannot produce omega-3 and 6. So we have to eat them. Omega-6 is readily available. In fact most of us are eating far too much of it. You can find it in abundance in meat, poultry and various plant oils, nuts and seeds. There are many types of omega-6, all of which are made in the body from the parent form Linoleic Acid (LA).
The controversy with this omega is that before the body can make the healthful types of omega-6, it produces a type of omega-6 that is highly inflammatory. It's called Arachidonic Acid. Therefore, when you consume too much of it, it can drive inflammation in the body leading to ill health. The other issue is that the body uses the same enzyme to metabolise omega-6 and 3 - they compete with one another. Therefore, when there is too much omega-6, this can affect the metabolism of omega-3.
Is it ok to take supplements along with Evening Primrose Oil?
Although omega-6 is readily available in the diet, some people supplement with it because they don't consume meat or poultry. However, the most common reason relates to a type of omega-6 known as DGLA. This is the type that is abundantly found in evening primrose oil. Some people struggle to convert the LA into DGLA. They choose to supplement with it because it is anti-inflammatory. In this sense, it complements omega-3 really well.
What is the difference between EPA and DHA and what do they help with?
In general EPA is anti-inflammatory. DHA is primarily beneficial for neuron and brain health.
Why is omega so crucial for kids?
Put simply, it helps children’s brains and bodies develop.
DHA omega-3 is a major component of our brain, eye tissue and skin. So much so that during pregnancy the body feeds the mother’s DHA to the baby, and breast milk has elevated levels. In fact, the amount of DHA in the brain increases by 30 times between the first 24 weeks and two years of life*.
But most children don’t get enough DHA in their food. And this matters.
Studies show a direct link between low levels of DHA and poor learning and behaviour. The 2012 Dolab** study found that DHA is ‘a safe and effective way to improve the reading and behaviour in healthy, but underperforming children in mainstream schools’. And an earlier study by the same researchers in Durham also found that increasing omega-3 in the diets of children between 5 and 12 significantly improved their reading, spelling and behaviour over three months.
*Neonatal network, 2007, 26:229-234
**The Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) Oxford Learning and Behavior Study, 2012
Beam & Balance | Peppermint
How much do I need to take?
You can easily adjust the dose of Beam & Balance to suit your needs:
3 sprays =
4000IU (or 100ug) vitamin D3
100ug vitamin K2
1 spray =
1333.3IU vitamin D3
33.3ug vitamin K2
Maximum doses:
• 3-17 years : 1-2 sprays a day
• 18 years+ : 3 sprays a day
For kids general wellbeing 1-3 sprays a week is usually plenty. But if you don't feel that's enough, try 1 spray a day for 3-10 year olds and 1-2 sprays a day for 11-17 year olds.
To know exactly what dose should be taken, we recommend taking a vitamin D blood test to find out your current level.
What type of vitamin D3 do you use in Beam & Balance?
We use a vitamin D3 sourced from 100% non-GMO algae.
Should I take Beam & Balance with Life & Soul, or Rise & Shine?
Life & Soul and Rise & Shine Life both provide great doses of omega-3 for the general wellbeing of most adults. Life & Soul only contains 13% more omega-3s per dose than Rise & Shine, so it's mostly down to how much vitamin D3 you'd like to take.
For a maintenance dose (and the daily recommended intake) of vitamin D, take Rise & Shine.
For a stronger dose of Vitamin D, take Life & Soul with Beam & Balance.
Can I take it if I'm pregnant?
The NHS recommends 400IU of Vitamin D per day during pregnancy. They also suggest no more than 0.6ml of peppermint oil per day.
Although our vitamin D3 spray only contains 0.00957ml of peppermint oil per 3 sprays and 0.053ml per bottle, for caution we recommend you consult with your GP or pregnancy specialist before trying, OR, take the Bare & Unflavoured version instead.
Omega-3s are also considered an important nutrient to keep topped up during pregnancy, so you could try Rise & Shine Omega-3 + Vitamin D capsules.
Can children take it?
Maximum doses:
• 3-17 years : 1-2 sprays a day
• 18 years+ : 3 sprays a day
For kids general wellbeing 1-3 sprays a week is usually plenty. But if you don't feel that's enough, try 1 spray a day for 3-10 year olds and 1-2 sprays a day for 11-17 year olds.
To know exactly what dose should be taken, we recommend taking a vitamin D blood test to find out your current level.
Is it vegan friendly?
Yes. We use an algae source of vitamin D3 and vitamin K2, so it's suitable for vegans.
Does it contain any allergens?
There are no known allergens (as required to be declared by food law) in our Beam & Balance formula. Please see our allergen statement for more info.
Full ingredients:
Medium chain tryglycerides (coconut), vitamin K2 compound (medium chain tryglycerides, menaquinone-7), vitamin D3 compound, (medium chain triglycerides, plant derived cholecalciferol (sunflower)), peppermint oil, (mentha piperita).
We would advise it's not suitable for those with a coconut allergy.
Beam & Balance | Unflavoured
How much should I take?
3 sprays contain: 4,000IU of D3 and 100ug of K2 – the maximum dose.
You can also take one spray for just over 1,300IU of D3.
For kids wellbeing: 1-3 sprays a week is plenty.
3-10 years: can take 1 spray a day.
11-17 years: can take 1-2 sprays a day.
Pregnant? Take 1 spray a day.
To help you feel your best, why not take one of our Vitamin D tests. This will give you an idea of where your levels currently are, so you can take a tailored dose.
Can children take it?
Yes, they can. This is an unflavoured Vitamin D3 + K2 spray. So children 3-10 years can take 1 spray a day.
11-17 year olds can take 1-2 sprays a day.
To get the maintenance dose for general wellbeing, 2 to 3 sprays a week should be plenty.
Our dose information is based on the high strength of our vitamin D3 spray. 1 spray = just over 1300IU of D3.
The NHS recommend that children from 1 years can take 400 IU of vitamin D a day. For more information see the NHS website. And please message our customer services if you'd like to chat as vitamin D dosage guidelines can be a tricky one to get your head around.
For a more tailored dose, why not try one of our Vitamin D tests. This will give you an idea of where your kids levels currently are.
Can I take this if I'm pregnant
Yes, take 1 spray a day.
3 sprays contain: 4,000IU of D3 and 100ug of K2. It’s the maximum dose recommended by the NHS. For caution, we recommend you consult with your GP or pregnancy specialist before starting a new product so they can approve your dose.
What's the difference between your Beam & Balance products?
Our vitamin D spray range started with Beam & Balance peppermint flavour.
We wanted to create an unflavoured version to give more people the opportunity to take it. 'Bare & Unflavoured' offers the same strength vitamin D3 + K2, just without the peppermint oil. It's ideal for people who:
• Prefer unflavoured sprays.
• Are pregnant. The NHS recommend avoiding peppermint oil during pregnancy.
• People struggling with digestive disorders such as GERD, who should avoid peppermint oil.
How long will my bottle last?
Your bottle will last for 180 days if you take 1 spray a day.
If you take the maximum 3 sprays a day, it'll last 60 days.
How do I take my spray?
The best way is to spray under your tongue. You can also try the inside of the cheek if you prefer.
Is it vegan-friendly?
Yes. It's sourced from algae, so it's suitable for vegans.
Does it contain any allergens?
There are no known allergens (as required to be declared by food law) in our Beam & Balance formula. Please see our allergen statement for more info.
Full ingredients:
Medium chain tryglycerides (coconut), vitamin K2 compound (medium chain tryglycerides, menaquinone-7), vitamin D3 compound, (medium chain triglycerides, plant derived cholecalciferol (sunflower)).
We would advise it's not suitable for those with an allergy to coconut.
Vitamins D3 & K2 - General & Safety
Who should take Vitamin D3?
There’s now general recognition that vitamin D deficiencies are widespread in countries across Europe and national health surveys indicate that as many as 60% of Europeans aren’t getting anywhere near enough vitamin D which may leave some of us more vulnerable to infection.
In the UK, vitamin D deficiency is extremely common. The NHS report that 1 in 5 in adults and 1 in 5 children are living with vitamin D deficiency which can result in rickets (poor bone development) in children and osteomalacia (softening of the bones) in adults. Everyone in the UK is at greater risk of low vitamin D during the winter months.
Most people get some of their daily vitamin D requirements from the sun, but this needs to be topped up by eating foods rich in vitamin D and/or taking a daily supplement such as Beam & Balance or Rise & Shine to safeguard against a vitamin D deficiency.
High risk groups:
Pregnant women, children under 5, people with malabsorption conditions (IBS, Crohn’s, colitis, coeliac disease), those who suffer from autoimmune conditions, people who are overweight or obese and vegetarians and vegans are most at risk. As you grow older, your skin’s ability to make vitamin D starts to drastically decline which is why the elderly are also at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Darker skin has a much higher level of melanin, the brown pigment which functions to filter and protect the skin from UV rays. The darker your skin, the more efficiently you block out UV rays decreasing your skin’s ability to make your own supply of vitamin D. Supplementing with Beam & Balance gives you a plentiful daily dose of vitamin D3 enabling people with darker skin tone to minimise their risk of developing a deficiency.
Can I take too much Vitamin D?
Yes. Taking too much Vitamin D for too long can cause more harm than good. It’s currently recommended that you don’t take more than 4000 IU a day. Taking too much vitamin D means you can end up with toxic levels of calcium in your blood. This may lead to nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, dizziness, fatigue, excessive thirst, poor appetite and frequent urination. If vitamin D toxicity is left uncorrected there may be a risk of kidney complications.
If you are experiencing some of the symptoms associated with low vitamin D or if eating oily fish isn’t part of your daily or weekly diet, then it could be a good idea to get your vitamin D levels tested. You can either request a test through your GP or you can buy a finger prick test either online or at your local pharmacy.
What is the difference between IU and micrograms?
The dosages of vitamin D in different supplements may seem a little confusing because there are two ways of measuring vitamin D:
Micrograms – notated as mcg or ug.
International Units – simply notated as IU.
Here’s a quick conversion guide:
1 mcg or ug = 40IU
10 mcg or ug = 400 IU
25 mcg or ug = 1000 IU
50 mcg or ug = 2000 IU 100 mcg or ug = 4000 IU
How do I know if I'm deficient in D3?
Deficiency signs:
Muscle weakness
Aches and pains
Frequent or recurring infections
Low mood or depression
Worry and anxiety
Hair loss
You can get your Vitamin D levels tested through a GP, NT, or, take a home vitamin D test kit and send off for the results.
What is K2 and why is it included in your Vitamin D sprays?
We use the most absorbable and most effective form of vitamin K2 called menaquinone-7 or MK7.
Vitamin K works in synergy with vitamin D. Like vitamin D, vitamin K contributes to the maintenence of healthy bones. But whereas vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium absorbed from the intestine and helps regulate the amount of calcium in the blood, vitamin K helps to guide calcium into the right places (bones and teeth).
Without vitamin K’s input with high doses of vitamin D, calcium may end up getting deposited in the wrong paces (artery walls, kidneys, cartilage etc).
Generally, when supplementing with D3, it's important to add K2 alongside at doses of around 3000-5000IU. Although we are all different, so if you're suffering from any health concerns it's best to consult a Nutritional Therapist or your GP.
What is the difference between D3 and D2?
There are lots of different types of vitamin D and each one has a slightly different chemical structure. Some versions are easier for your body to absorb and are more effective at raising blood levels. The two main types are vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.
Vitamin D2 - known as ergocalciferol, is found in mushrooms and the synthesised (made in a laboratory) form of vitamin D2 is often used in fortified foods and nutritional supplements. However, this form tends to be poorly absorbed and your liver needs to convert vitamin D2 into active calcitriol before it can be put to good use. It’s worth knowing that the conversion rate for vitamin D2 is slow and produces low levels of calcitriol.
Vitamin D3 - called cholecalciferol or calcifediol, is found in lots of different foods such as oily fish, liver, egg yolk and butter which means it’s hard for people following a plant-based diet to get enough vitamin D3.
Our skin cells do make vitamin D3 when exposed to sunlight. However, this route of production is limited for people living in countries with cooler climates, limited hours of daylight, for those with darker skin (melanin blocks the UV rays) or those who frequently use high factor sunscreen. Supplementing with a source of vitamin D3 is highly recommended and an important way to reduce your risk of vitamin D deficiency.
What are the benefits of Vitamin D?
Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system
- Vitamin D interacts with the immune cells that form the body’s first line of defence.
- Vitamin D helps regulate and modulate the immune response and the inflammatory response
- Vitamin D helps regulate the immune cells that if confused or overactive create autoimmune reactions
Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
- Vitamin D contributes to normal absorption/utilisation of calcium
- Vitamin D contributes to normal blood calcium levels Osteoporosis is strongly linked to low vitamin D status
- Menopausal women have higher risk of thin, brittle bone and osteoporosis
- Supplementing with Vitamin D and calcium may help small increases in bone mineral density.
Vitamin D has a role in the process of cell division and contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function
- Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with poor posture, weak muscles.
- Vitamin D influences the speed at which muscles contract
- Vitamin D interacts with neuromuscular function,
- When Vitamin D is low there's a higher percentage of fat in the muscles
- As Vitamin D levels increase the level of fat infiltration into muscle tissue declines.
- Lean muscle provides better strength, more power and enhanced physical performance.
Skinful Pure Marine Collagen
What is Skinful?
Skinful is a marine collagen made from sustainable cod skin.
Does your collagen contain any colours or sweeteners?
We use a natural rhubarb flavouring and a tiny amount of stevia in our Strawberry Skinful.
What are the benefits of collagen?
Collagen offers support to everything from our skin, muscles and bones to our fingernails and hair.
Read more about the benefits here.
How often should I take it?
Take it once a day. 5g-10g ( 1-2 standard dessertspoons, or 3-6 teaspoons). Serving size varies. We're all different – so are our supplementation needs. 5g is enough for most people but you can increase to 10g if needed.
How long will a tub last me?
One to two months, depending on whether you're taking 5g or 10g a day.
Where should I keep my tub of Skinful?
It's best to keep it at room temperature and away direct sunlight.
Can I take collagen with omega-3?
Absolutely! Find out more about how they work together here.
How long will it take to feel/see the benefits?
In all the studies carried out on collagen to date that have shown a benefit, the subjects took collagen for 8-12 weeks.
Is it gluten free?
Skinful is gluten and GMO free.
Can you add collagen to hot food and drinks?
Absolutely. You can add Skinful to any food or drink, you can even bake with it!
What is the difference between marine and bovine collagen?
Bovine is made from hide, bones and muscles of cows. Skinful is marine collagen made from hydrolysed codfish skin.
Are the fish sustainably caught?
Yes – 100%. Our fish are caught within the strictest international guidelines. Our collagen manufacturer is MSC certified. MSC labelled cod comes from a fishery that has been independently assessed to the MSC Fisheries Standard.
What's more, we use the skin only which used to be discarded and thrown away.
Can I take Skinful if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?
Yes, provided you don't have an allergy to fish or shellfish.
And it’s still always good to check with your doctor before taking supplements like this one if you: are on any medication, have health concerns or conditions, are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Strawberry Skinful Marine Collagen + Vitamin C
Where is the Vitamin C from?
We used a food based source of Vitamin C from acerola.
Does it contain any artificial flavours?
No. We use natural strawberry and rhubarb flavouring with a tiny amount of stevia.
How much Vitamin C is there in one serving?
The recommended daily dose of 50mg in a 5g serving.
What are ingredients are in the strawberry flavouring?
We put a lot of care into the ingredients in our supplements and try to always use as few as possible. E numbers (the E stands for European) are codes that identify ingredients and their safety is approved by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) It’s a misconception that all are bad for you - most are very natural and all the ones used in Europe (and the UK) have been approved! Including the dash of natural sweetener (steviol glycosides from stevia plants) and the hint of pink (from beetroots!) in our strawberry Skinful powder. Malic acid (similar to citric acid found in fruit) adds the tang to give an extra layer of deliciousness and maltodextrin is a natural starch that keeps the powder smooth (no nasty clumps!).
About Our Marine Collagen
How many calories is in one serving?
One serving (a dessert spoon or 5g) of Skinful contains just 19 calories.
What is the powder made from?
Hydrolysed wild codfish skin (Gadus morhua). Made in Norway.
Is Skinful type I, II or III peptides?
Collagen in the body is either type I, II, or III. Our collagen is type I. Most anti ageing collagen powder supplements for the skin will contain type I, and it’s the type that’s found in large quantities in marine collagen.
What's an amino acid profile and why is it important?
We all know collagen is good for our skin but the real magic lies in the levels of amino acids they contain.
Collagen peptides normally contain around 19 different amino acids, including eight of the nine essential amino acids. The important amino acids glycine, proline and hydroxyproline are the most prevalent in collagen peptides, making up 50% of its total amino acid content - the same amount that's in human skin.
You can find our amino acid profile on our shop pages.
What's the protein content?
You can find our nutritional content table here.
Is maltodextrin used in the drying process of your collagen?
Does your collagen contain iodine?
There are no traces of iodine in our Skinful Marine Collagen products.
The fish skin that is used in our production of collagen goes through several cleaning and filtration processes before it ends up as collagen peptides
What if I'm allergic to fish?
If that’s the case, unfortunately our products aren’t for you.
Download our allergen statement for more info.
Can I take your collagen if I have a shellfish allergy?
Skinful may contain traces of Shellfish. Our manufacturer produce products that contain shellfish. This production takes place in a completely different part of the factory but it is possible there may be traces.
Download our full allergen statement for more info.
Are there any side effects?
Collagen supplements are generally well-tolerated with no known drug interactions. However, some people have been known to experience mild side effects, ranging from feelings of fullness to mind diarrhea and on rare occasions, skin rashes. Taking collagen supplements with food may help to avoid any gastrointestinal problems.
Some people notice that they feel thirstier when they consume more protein. Listen to your body and drink extra water if you need to.
Is your collagen suitable for those with histamine issues/mast cell disorder?
The fish skin is mostly frozen within a few hours after the de-skinning process. Some producers don’t have available freezing equipment in place, so the skin is collected in chilling environments before freezing.
The cod skin arrives at the manufacturers in frozen blocks and is then defrosted for a few hours before being turned into collagen. It is a continuous process.
Histamine monitoring tests have been carried out to check if there is a high level of histamine in Skinful powder (high levels are often associated with the effect of long time storing of skin before freezing). Skinful has never had high results that could be attributed to reactions, but we know that, in general, some people experience allergic reactions after collagen intake from both marine and bovine sources.
We strongly advise consulting with a doctor before you consider trying Skinful.
Our Packaging
Why is the pouch the same price as the glass jar?
The most expensive part of our product is the ingredients and the manufacturing of the capsules. Packaging contributes a smaller percentage, but as we order jars and pouches in similar volumes the cost of both formats is almost identical. Demand for biodegradble pouches isn't as high yet and still growing in popularity, so they're currently no cheaper than glass. Plus, they're made with very clever vegetable science, so they're fully biodegradable, whilst containing a metalized lining to protect your capsules from UV and light. So whether you go for a jar or a pouch, they're both re-sealable containers and keep your capsules equally as fresh.
Can I recycle your packaging?
Our bottles and collagen tubs are fully recyclable, as are the outer boxes and inner sleeves. And all our postal packaging is paper-based, so you can recycle that too. Pouches are bio-degradable, so they can go in your general waste or home compost pile.
How do I dispose of your pouches?
Our pouches are fully biodegradable (including the internal zipper!), so if your council won't accept them in your green bin, you can pop them in your general waste and they will decompose.
What are your pouches made from?
The pouches are made from a combination of plastic-free, biodegradable materials. The outer layer is paper, the middle is a metallised Natureflex and the inner sealant layer and internal zipper are made from a bio based material called TIPA.
Will the pouch keep my capsules as fresh as the glass bottle?
Yes! The pouches include an inner metallised film liner which acts as an excellent barrier to moisture and UV/visible light. They keep your capsules lovely and fresh (just like the jars), so you can use them as re-fills, or reseal and keep them as your main container if you'd prefer.
Ready & Rested
How much do I need to take?
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium varies by age and sex, but for most adults, it's around 300–400 mg per day. If you're experiencing symptoms of low magnesium, you could start with 3 Ready & Rested capsules (375 mg).
What is Ready & Rested good for?
Ready & Rested uses a form of magnesium bisglycinate, which is used in a wide range of processes throughout your body.
It is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. This means it has many different functions (which is why we call it the multi-tasker mineral). We love it for all of these reasons: It reduces tiredness and fatigue while helping the body regulate and maintain energy levels.
Magnesium supports the nervous system and psychological processes that enable the body to rest, which is especially useful during times of stress. If you're struggling to sleep, magnesium might encourage you to switch off.
Ready & Rested is also great for muscle recovery, so if you're active, this will help stave off the morning-after doms.
When should I take it?
Ideally, we recommend spreading your dose throughout the day with meals for the best results.
If you’re feeling low on energy, try taking magnesium first thing in the morning to help you feel ready to take on the day.
For better sleep, take it in the evening to help encourage rest.
Whatever your goal, consistency brings the most benefit, so make it work for you and turn it into a habit you can stick to.
Do I have to take it with food?
You don't have to take magnesium with food, but we recommend it. It helps your body absorb it better, and taking it with food can make it easier to stick to a routine. If you have a sensitive stomach, taking supplements with your food is always gentler.
Do I have to take all 3 capsules?
For most people, the recommended daily dose of three capsules of Ready & Rested will be ideal. However, depending on your needs, you can take less and still benefit from magnesium.
Can children take it?
Although the dose of 1 capsule is safe for children aged 4 years and up, the size of the capsule may be too large for them to swallow.
• 4-9 years can take 1 capsule per day.
• 9-14 years can take up to 2 capsules per day.
• 14+ can take up to 3 capsules per day.
Can I take it if I am trying to conceive?
Yes, absolutely. Magnesium is safe to take whilst trying to conceive. Take up to 3 capsules a day.
Can I take it if I'm pregnant?
Yes, magnesium is generally considered safe during pregnancy. Take up to 2 capsules (250mg) a day.
Is it ok to take during breastfeeding?
Yes, magnesium bisglycinate is safe to take whilst breastfeeding.
Does Ready & Rested break my fast?
Ready & Rested magnesium bisglycinate supplements contain pure magnesium with no added fillers, colours, flavours and is therefore safe to take during a fast.
Is it suitable for my diet?
Can I take Ready & Rested if I'm vegan?
All ingredients, including the capsule shell, are suitable for vegan
Is it gluten free?
There are no known allergens in our Ready & Rested formula. Please see our allergen statement for more info.
Can I take too much?
Like all supplements, it's possible to take too much magnesium. In the short term, this would lead to digestive discomfort, loose stools or diarrhoea. It's extremely rare, but magnesium can build up in the system over time, leading to more serious side effects. To stay on the safe side, stick to our recommended dosage, and if you have any concerns, check in with your GP or Health Practitioner.
About Our Magnesium
What type of magnesium do you use?
We use magnesium bisglycinate. It's a highly bioavailable form of magnesium, providing around 20% elemental magnesium. The buffering process combines two forms of magnesium: 85% Magnesium Bisglycinate, which is easily absorbed, and 15% Magnesium Oxide, which enhances potency but is less bioavailable. Together, they provide a high-strength source of magnesium without upsetting your tummy.
Why does it contain magnesium oxide?
Ready & Rested contains 15% magnesium oxide, which is common in most magnesium bisglycinate supplements. While many brands choose not to display this information, we have nothing to hide: magnesium oxide helps us provide a higher dose of magnesium in each capsule without making it too large. It also helps with the practical handling of the product by reducing the tendency to cake, making it easier to manage and ensuring the quality of the supplement.
What is the difference between Magnesium Bisglycinate and other types of magnesium?
Magnesium bisglycinate is gentler on the digestive system and easier for your body to absorb compared to other forms of magnesium. This makes it a great option for supporting your nervous system, sleep, and balancing hormones, especially during menopause or perimenopause. The reason it's so effective is that the body treats magnesium bisglycinate like an amino acid, helping it avoid the usual competition with other minerals. It can also cross the blood-brain barrier, making it especially helpful for relaxation.
What's HPMC?
HPMC is the material most supplement capsules are made from. It stands for hydroxypropyl methylcellulose or hypromellose for short. Pretty catchy, right? It’s a transparent, tasteless, vegetarian and vegan-friendly material, usually sourced from wood pulp, and completely safe for human consumption.
What's Chelate?
A chelate in a supplement is a mineral that’s chemically bound to an organic acid or amino acid to help your body absorb it better. The word "chelate" comes from the Latin for "claw," indicating how tightly it holds onto the mineral.
Ready & Rested contains magnesium bisglycinate, where glycine binds (or "claws") tightly to magnesium. This strong bond makes it easier for your body to absorb and transport the magnesium smoothly to where it’s needed. As a result, this form is highly absorbable and gentler on the stomach compared to other types of magnesium.
What is MCT oil?
MCT oil, derived from coconuts, is made up of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fat that is easily digested and quickly absorbed by the body. This makes it an excellent carrier oil, enhancing the absorption of certain nutrients.
Test Kits
Is this a one-time kit?
Yes, this is a single-use test.
Can children use this test?
Yes they can. If they’re brave enough, it’s great to test them.
How do I take my test?
Download our ‘how to guide' and read the instructions carefully.
It’s essential to follow the instructions. If the test fails, it’s always because the instructions weren’t followed and we can’t replace the kit, so it would be a big waste of your money, time and effort. If you follow these to the letter, your test will be easy and quick.
Why do I need to activate my test and how do I do this?
If you don't activate your test kit, the lab won’t be able to assign your sample or test results to you. You need to activate your customer portal and save your details to the system.
Make sure to activate your testing kit before sending off your sample.
1. Scan the QR code on the kit instructions.
2. Enter your activation code. Found on the collection sample card.
3. Fill out your details.
4. You'll receive an email confirming your kit has been activated.

How do I take the blood sample correctly?
To collect your sample correctly:
1. Read through the tips (opposite) to prepare the blood flow for an easy test.
2. Drop a single drop of blood in each circle on the sample card.
Do not press the finger on the sample card.
3. Use the spare lancet if necessary to repeat the tips (opposite) on your middle or index finger.
4. Use the plaster to stop the bleeding.
Note: Plasters are latex-free but be careful of other allergies.
5. Leave the sample card to dry for at least 10 minutes before folding.
5. Seal the sample card and desiccant inside the zip lock bag.
Check out the pass and fail examples (below) and view the 'how to guide' for more help.

Tips to prepare the blood flow for an easy test:
- Warmth: Gently warm the hand with hot water or hold it under warm running water for a good few minutes. Warmth helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Or you can use a warm compress or hot water bottle on the chosen finger for a few minutes.
- Gravity: Stay standing up throughout. Let your arm hang down by your side for a minute or so before the test. This can encourage blood to pool in the fingers, making it easier to obtain a blood sample.
- Massage: Gently massage the finger you'll be pricking. This can stimulate blood flow and make it easier to get a sample. But don’t overdo the massage as this can affect the result.
- Rotate Finger: If possible, rotate your hand to encourage blood to flow toward the finger you'll use for the test. Sometimes, a change in position can help increase blood flow.
- Avoid Cold Conditions: Cold temperatures can cause blood vessels to constrict and reduce blood flow. Try to keep the environment warm while preparing for the test.
- Avoid Excessive Pressure: While you might be tempted to squeeze your finger tightly before the test, excessive pressure can decrease blood flow. Gentle stimulation is more effective.
- Relaxation: Taking slow, deep breaths and remaining calm can help reduce tension, improving blood flow.
- Use Different Finger: If one finger isn't providing enough blood, you can try a different finger. The kit includes several lancets. The sides of the fingertip generally have more blood vessels close to the surface and fewer nerve endings so it’s less painful.
- Finger Tapping: Gently tapping the finger you'll use for the test can encourage blood to flow to the surface.
- Exercise: Run up and down the stairs a few times or do 10 star jumps to get your heart pumping.
How do I know your test kit is accurate?
The omega-3 test is analysed by GC-MS and the vitamin D by LC-MS/MS, the gold standard in analytical chemicals.
The laboratory follows an approved methodology and the same one used by the NHS, which has been optimised and validated so that you can be sure of the highest accuracy possible. Here is some more detail:
GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry):
GC-MS is a powerful analytical technique that combines two different methods – gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. It's commonly used to identify and quantify compounds in complex mixtures, such as blood samples. Here's how it works:
- Gas Chromatography (GC):In this step, a sample is vaporised and injected into a gas chromatograph. The components in the sample separate as they move through a chromatographic column. Different compounds in the sample interact with the column materials at varying rates, leading to separation.
- Mass Spectrometry (MS): Once the separated compounds leave the chromatographic column, they enter the mass spectrometer. This device measures the mass-to-charge ratio of ions produced from the compounds. This information is used to identify and quantify the compounds present in the sample.
Relevance to Vitamin D Analysis:GC-MS can be used to analyse certain forms of Vitamin D, such as Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). These forms can be converted into volatile derivatives suitable for analysis by gas chromatography.
LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry):
LC-MS/MS is another advanced analytical method that combines liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. It's often used to measure specific compounds with high accuracy and sensitivity.
Here's how it works:
- Liquid Chromatography (LC): Similar to gas chromatography, liquid chromatography separates components in a sample based on their interactions with a stationary phase. In LC-MS/MS, the mobile phase is a liquid, allowing for the separation of a wide range of compounds.
- Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS): In tandem mass spectrometry, two mass spectrometers are used in series. The first mass spectrometer selects a specific ion from the separated compounds and breaks it into smaller fragments. The second mass spectrometer measures the mass-to-charge ratio of these fragments, providing precise information about the compound's structure and identity.
Relevance to Vitamin D Analysis: LC-MS/MS is often used to quantify the levels of specific metabolites of Vitamin D, such as 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). This form of Vitamin D is considered a reliable indicator of overall Vitamin D status in the body. Accurate measurement of 25(OH)D is important for assessing deficiency or sufficiency and guiding appropriate supplementation.
GC-MS and LC-MS/MS are sophisticated techniques used to analyse compounds with high precision and sensitivity. When applied to Vitamin D analysis, they provide accurate information about an individual's Vitamin D status, helping healthcare professionals make informed decisions regarding supplementation and overall health management.
How long do my results take to arrive?
You’ll receive your results within 21 days after receipt of the sample.You should get an email confirmation once your results have been received. If you have any questions about your results, please contact us at*
What will my test results look like?
Why haven't my results arrived?
Have you activated your test kit using the test pack's QR code?
If you didn’t do this, the lab won’t be able to identify who the results belong to, so you might need to start again. Please email us at if you need any help.