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a girl leaning out the car window on a road trip

Kim Ingleby on how to stop dreaming & start doing

| JUL 14, 2017

You know that dream or wish that you have deep within your thoughts? The one that pops into your mind now and then, and you think, I wish I could do, feel or learn this… You know it right?

I think everyone has a wish, and often it is possible.  Perhaps not right now, and I think that’s the stumbling block for most of us.  It often seems too big or far away from our current reality that we cannot begin to work out how it could happen, so we just keep wishing. To help you transform your dream into your passionate purpose, I’ve brought together a few simple steps to help get you started.  It will take a little bit of time, but I promise, it will be worth it!

1. The big dream mind map

two friends planning a trip on a map

Buy a big notebook or piece of paper and write in the middle, ‘my big dreams and wishes’. On this piece of paper just play with all your ideas, no limits right now please!  Just let your ideas flow, nothing is too small, silly or too big, just branch them all out of the centre. Think about what you might like to learn, your travel ideas, love, charity. It’s your big wish creation, so don’t leave anything off your map.

From your big dream mind map, you have two choices.
Take every single one and put them onto a 5 year timeline. To do this you would choose a max of three key dreams and put them in each year from 2017 to 2022.  Of course, if setting up and growing your own business, or having a child for example are on your timeline, this would map over many years! 
The other option which works well for people is to look at the map and circle the three most important dreams to start actioning in the next 6 months.  Make sure you choose three that you have time to action and that you feel passionately excited about. Don’t worry if you feel a bit fearful too, that’s normal.

2. Stay commited 

making a list

Now focus on the next 3 months. I want you to write three columns with your top three priorities to achieve by Autumn 2017.  Below this, clearly write down what you will do to start creating tiny steps towards your dream becoming a reality.  This could be anything from putting aside time to research an idea, getting your mind and body in happy health and changing some habits that are not helpful. Once you have a clear and specific plan, block the time required in your life diary so you are committing to making it happen.

3. No excuses

From here I want you to consider any excuses, limits or reasons why you may not progress and make it happen. List them in a column on one side of the paper. On the other side of the piece of paper write some solutions which will help you overcome the excuse, so when they appear you have something to support you. The key to excuses and limits is being flexible and kind to yourself when you need to be, and committed and focused when you need to be.  I find we often get this the wrong way around, which leads to overwhelm and fatigue. Have a think about this, if you need any help just pop us a tweet or message. If you work these out, your dreams are a step closer.

4. Your support network

A group of friends watching the sunset in a car

When you want to achieve anything new or change a habit I think it’s really important to have support around you. This can be anything from sharing your goal with a couple of friends, to seeking out an expert coach or mentor in the area you want to grow, change or develop.  People often see this as a weakness, but after years of coaching myself I can 100% say it’s an invaluable investment.  An impartial, experienced coach who specialises in your wish or dream can offer you accountability, advice, wisdom and support.  They can be your cheerleader and your kick, whatever you need!  Build a strong, positive team of people around you who believe in your dream is really important!

Everyone’s motivation is different, but if you have a passion, a wish and dream, don’t let it just be that all your life, go and give it a try, start now. One tiny step, and trust me, you will surprise yourself. Kim x

Kim Ingleby has the passion and skills to help you achieve your goals. Following three years of complex neurological, brain and liver problems from Post Weils Encephalitis, Kim has mastered the art of achieving success against all odds. She’s featured on TEDx, sharing her expertise on how to overcome adversity and how to be brave.  She’s raised almost £80k for charity, coached Team GB, Body Confidence for Women and Strictly Come Dancing pros. Kim is a triple award winning personal trainer, DNAFit consultant, NLP confidence master coach and team GB’s sports therapist.

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