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3 easy collagen smoothie recipes

| MAY 15, 2020

We've been loving the collagen smoothies popping up on social media using our Pure Marine Collagen Powder Skinful. We thought we'd share 3 of our favourites...

Post run smoothie

By Nutritionist Hannah Alderson - @hannahaldersonnutrition



  • Add 250ml of cold water and the ingredients to a blender and enjoy!

Gut loving smoothie

By hormone Nutritionist Abby - @af_nutrition



  • Blend and enjoy!

Top tip: Add an avocado or banana for a filling breakfast

Green smoothie 

By Nutritional Therapist and PT Kate and Val - @thehealthboost



  • Blend and enjoy!

Have you tried a Skinful recipe? Share it with us over on Instagram @barebiology

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