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3 nutrition tips to get your family summer ready

| MAY 27, 2017

As we head into a summer full of fun and hopefully some sun, we often start to see a rise in a few common health issues that can dominate the summer months. With a few simple tweaks, you can greatly reduce the impact of common seasonal health complaints, leaving you and your family free to fully relax and enjoy your time.

To help you do this, these are my 3 top tips to ensure you and your family are summer ready...

1. Fish oils

Did you know research by the University of Manchester found Omega 3 in fish oil boosts the skin's immunity to sunlight? Supporting additional evidence shows that Omega 3 may provide protection against skin cancer in combination with the use of sunscreen.

A regular intake of oily fish is a good way to improve your family's brain health and immune system. If you have fish-phobes on your hands, a good quality Omega 3 supplement is a good option. You can find ones that fit each family member’s individual requirements. You can also start giving babies Omega 3 from as young as 3 months.

2. Probiotics

a bowl of yoghurt with berries

Overseas travel, outdoor adventures and a higher consumption of fast foods can all lead to an increase in the likelihood of food poisoning and upset tummies during the summer months. 

My top tip to support your immune system and tummy over the summer months is to start taking a probiotic for 4-6 weeks before going on holiday and throughout your time away. This will super boost your gut’s friendly bacteria and your immune system so they are in tip top condition to fight any invaders. Probiotics can be given from birth and a wide range is available for every age.

3. Quercetin

During the summer months, many of us experience seasonal allergies, which typically present as congestion, sneezing, runny nose and/or sinus pressure.  Quercetin is known to help prevent seasonal allergies and is one of nature's most powerful antihistamines and anti-inflammatories and is often combined with vitamin c, an all round immune booster. It is also known to ease the irritation of sore eyes and insect bites.

a pile of apples

Quercetin is found in low levels in many fruit and vegetables, ranging from broccoli to apples and in higher concentrations in onion and garlic, especially in the outer skins of onions. However, to avoid pungent breath from eating garlic and onions, food supplements using pineapple-derived quercetin are very popular instead. Pineapple is also rich in bromelain which is also one of nature’s anti-inflammatories. Take during the sniffly season, or for 2 weeks prior, and during a holiday if you get bad reactions from insect stings.

Being outdoors enjoying the fresh air, sun and vitamin D is the best tonic for your family’s health. Enjoy the beautiful months ahead and I wish you a happy healthy summer.

Lucinda has around 20 years of experience as a naturopath and gained a diploma in Naturopathic Iridology and Western Herbal Medicine (MGNI MRNI MH) from The Holistic Health College. In 2008 she gained a further diploma from Functional Medicine University and is a fully qualified NLP coach and mentor for kids with ADHD and Autism.

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