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A nutritionists guide to working from home

| MAR 24, 2020

For many, working from home indefinitely is a new reality until we overcome the Covid_19 Pandemic - whenever and wherever that rainbows lies. For some, this is a welcomed move but for some this is an alien concept. So, to ease the shock to the system I’ve put together some tips for you.

Get dressed

Look snazzy, feel snazzy. The prospect of a PJ day may seem alluring but getting showered and dressed is 100% the way to go. And I don’t mean business on top and party down below either (that’s just too much of a risk to have a video conference in a top and pants as the door bell will inevitably go). Continue to enjoy your wardrobe, feel fresh, wear bright colours and if you’re feeling particularly low I’d always recommend putting on a splash of your favourite perfume and lipstick colour lifts the mood, as does feeling smart and ready for business.


Take your commute

You may have found yourself with a couple of free hours now you’re just commuting 3 metres down the stairs. If you need to be online by 9am, get up at your usual time and fill the slot with something fancy. Do some morning stretches, get on your yoga mat, go for a run, do a live streamed workout, boogie to your favourite tracks, read, meditate, teach yourself to knit, paint a rainbow and put it in your window, sort your knicker drawer, write that novel even in this crisis we are capable of magic. Some of the best art and literature was created in isolation, so let’s make this count. Breaking your day down into segmented pieces can keep work and play separate and achieve some pretty cool stuff.

Take breaks & move

20 minutes here and there will make all the difference. Get outside, have a wiggle, walk, run, stand in the glow of the sun and enjoy the fresh air - it’s worth its weight in hand sanitiser.


Love your kitchen

Enjoy your food ‘hot n’fresh out da kitchen’. You’re in a position to attain a control of your diet like never before, as for the most part you’re the one cooking it. Instead of grabbing breakfast and lunch on the go, you can cook from scratch. Dust off the recipe books and re connect with your kitchen. Smoothies are a fabulous way to start the day get the recipe right and you can set yourself up for the day with a rainbow of fibre, fat and protein. Stock up on frozen fruit and veg as they keep for months. Why not try this recipe:

½ pear, inch slice of cucumber, 5 sprigs of fresh mint, frozen berries, frozen cauliflower floret, handful of spinach, Bare Biology collagen powder, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and 1 teaspoon of maca powder - whizz and enjoy.

Eat as a family

Take this opportunity to enjoy food around a table as a household it’s a wonderful thing to do. It will take you away from your screen, connecting you with your food and loved ones.


Turn on the tunes

Keep up to date with news, once a day at most. We must remain informed but too much web browsing and radio news will feed anxiety. I spent the whole day listening to T.Rex the other day and it was wonderful. Make playlists and enjoy music that uplifts and inspires.

Healthy habits

You’re in a position to completely rework your daily rituals - your health is your wealth. It’s an incredible time to implement new healthy habits as a household. Follow inspiring people online to get tips and embrace positive change. For example, shifting your morning coffee to be enjoyed after breakfast, not as you rush out of the door work bound. Coffee on an empty stomach in the absence of fat and protein can wreak havoc with insulin sensitivity and cortisol levels. Instead, switch it up and enjoy it with a handful of nuts and a teaspoon of added collagen after your breakfast.


Eat your vegetables

Embrace an array of colourful fruit & vegetables (fresh and frozen) to ensure a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Eat lots of sources of fibre (such as legumes) and fermented foods (such as sauerkraut) to support gut diversity. Include a wide variety of omega 3 sources like oily fish, flaxseeds and walnuts alongside a supplement (Bare Biology Lion Heart - if you’re not on blood thinning medication). 

Most importantly folks - Stay safe. Stay at home. Support our NHS.

Hannah Alderson is a Registered Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner who works with women in the media and creative industries to boost energy, happiness and wellbeing in a colourful way. Hannah is on a mission to empower women with the tools to reach their health goals, feel fabulous, improve quality of life and career productivity.

For the next coming weeks Hannah is offering a number of online half an hour sessions for just £30. Utilise your time at home and join her for a 30 minute lunch or coffee break by doing something positive for your wellbeing. Email for more information.

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